Monday, April 27, 2009

Our Nature Club

Our green youth nature club's name is “Dumbara”. And is a non-government, non-profit oriented, voluntary green youth organization whose major portion is composed of nine members from all walks of life, who are really nature lovers and who has hunger to see the mystique and picturesque places and for the knowledge and wisdom which could not gain merely by reading books. Visiting such places we could find that this is a life which is really precious than working is a grueling environment and living in fantasy.
, Nimantha, Darshana,
rabhath, Buddika, Chamith,
akshitha & Praneeth are my best friend companions of all travels who are crazy of traveling. They are members of our nature club.

- Let’s see evergreen flora & fauna
MISSION - To travel in search of all the natural beauties which are hidden in the island and reveal them to the nature lovers in the world and awake the people in their fantasy world and persuade them to feel and protect this precious pristine island.

Your Eye

It is not easy to express my happiness in words to be away from the madding crowd in the city and spend some days in a remote village surrounded by mountains, where a silent silver river meanders through thick jungle, where a picturesque waterfall cascades gracefully, from a mountain. I cannot imagine the freedom of mind that I would gain, by doing so.

We are fortunate to get away from the unpleasant sights and sounds of the modern life style for a moment and listen to the sweet melodies of the birds, feel the cool breeze of the rural village and view the historical ruins of our past glory.